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Victory Life Christian School administers the School of Tomorrow® curriculum (also known as Accelerated Christian Education® or ACE®), in accordance with ACE® prescribed procedures. VLCS students are equipped to self-study using this curriculum, which provides biblically based, individualised, mastery learning. Being self-instructional and self-paced, students may enrol and commence their studies at any time throughout the school year. Similarly, students may also complete their studies and graduate at any time during the school year.

Our school year runs from January to November, with 40 weeks of school divided into 4 terms of 10 weeks each, and mostly follows Singapore’s scheduled school holidays. Details of the current school year are outlined in our Academic Year Calendar. Any changes will be advised by school announcement, letter or email and updated on our website Calendar of Events.

Our current Class Schedules (daily program) may be viewed via the drop-down menu at the top of the page, below Calendar.

Next: Curriculum

What sets our curriculum apart? Watch this video: “Presenting A.C.E.