Parent’s Testimony – Awards and Graduation Celebration 2015
Good evening, Mrs Boey (Founder), Mrs Valluvan (Principal), supervisors, fellow parents, guests and students, it is my pleasure to be invited to speak. My name is Siew Pheng and I am the mother of Damien Wong who is one of the graduates today. I asked my son what I should speak on and he very helpfully drafted for me a 5-point outline and a reminder to keep it short. 🙂
Please read the rest of Siew Pheng’s speech HERE.
Another Testimony – RSC 2014
Testimony by Mrs Priscilla Pham-Poland about the Malaysia Regional Student Convention 2014
I am the mother of Johan Poland. Last year in January, we enrolled Johan in VLCS and we had doubts if we were doing the right thing. In the first year, Johan was not keen to attend RSC and we did not force him to participate. But this year, Johan managed to take part in the School Challenge and he qualified for RSC. As a parent, I wanted to know and see what RSC was all about and to support and encourage Johan at the RSC. Therefore, both Johan and I attended the RSC.
On the 24th August, we all gathered at the airport, and I was amazed at how big the group was. There were about 40 students aged from 8 years to 18 years old, about 13 staff members and 4 parents, totalling 57 of us!
The synergy among the students was very good. They took care of each other, with the older students looking out for the younger ones. The staff members were also very vigilant about the welfare and safety of the students during the whole trip. As a parent, I am happy to know that my child is in good hands with the staff.
Being at RSC, I could witness how RSC is a platform for the children to excel at their events. The children have a chance to build confidence and belief in themselves to perform in front of an audience. This will help in their character building and self-esteem which a classroom will not be able to provide. They also have the chance to see their fellow students participate in different events and this will encourage them to also try doing these events. The students were fantastic at helping each other and encouraging each other at their events. They had time to bond with each other, and team work was evident.
I would encourage every parent to let their child participate and attend RSC to enjoy the synergy, bonding and fellowship which will help build their confidence and belief in themselves. Parents, I would encourage you too to attend at least one RSC to experience what I have experienced. In the words of my son, Johan, “Next year I will do better…” Now, I have no doubts sending Johan to this school.
See you at RSC 2015!
Parent’s Testimony – RSC 2014
Testimony by Mrs Grace Chow about the Malaysia Regional Student Convention 2014
I am Grace, mother of Peyton Choo of Middle School, and I would like to share my experience and observations as a parent attending RSC 2014 in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, 25-29 August. I decided to accompany my daughter as this was her first overseas trip with the school. Being a little protective, I insisted on going along even though she pleaded with me not to. As this was our first RSC trip, I wasn’t sure of what to expect. I just knew that it was a competition amongst ACE students from the region.
Prior to that, I noticed that Peyton was busy preparing and practicing her events daily at home. In fact, I did discourage her from participating in so many events, as I didn’t think that she could do it, especially in table tennis, running and solo singing. Nevertheless, Peyton insisted on trying and doing her best. She believed that God would help her and give her the strength. Besides her effort, I must also commend the hard work and dedication of the supervisors in helping the students to prepare for their events.
During the trip, Mrs. Boey and the supervisors took excellent care of the students as if they were their own children. They were all one big happy family! What impressed me most was that the students themselves were very caring and supportive of one another. The older students always looked out for and took care of the younger ones. They displayed the virtues of responsibility and love for one another, like brothers and sisters.
In my opinion, RSC is a good platform to display the students’ talents and abilities, while building their self-confidence when they participate in the competition. The spirit of sportsmanship was also displayed among them. During the competition, everyone was very supportive of each other in cheering and, in events where they did not do that well, in consoling one another.
The other high point was the rally nights. We were very touched by the messages that Pastor Thompson preached every night. They were so impactful, even to me. One that struck me most was about daring to step out of one’s comfort zone to do great things for the glory of God. Lastly, I must also commend the fantastic, delicious meals that were provided during the event.
I would like to encourage all the other students and parents to experience RSC in the future. I was totally blessed by the experience and will continue to allow my daughter to participate in RSC yearly.
Remember, God has a plan for each of our children, and all we have to do is to trust and submit our children to Him. Only Jesus can bring out the best in our children. Once again, I am grateful that I had the chance to experience what RSC was all about. Thank you!