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Parenting Talk (& some other changes)

Dear Parents,

Please note these changes for the following events:

1. Due to the additional workload of preparations for the upcoming Mission Trip, the Parenting Talk planned for this Tuesday 8th November has been postponed until January 2012 (next term).

2. Due to a lack of items to sell, the Garage Sale planned for this Saturday (to raise funds for the Mission Trip) has been cancelled. The items received so far will instead be kept for our School Carnival Jumble Sale next term. Some items may alternatively be donated to Birthright School in the Philippines.

3. Due to this week’s House Challenge being rained out on Monday, we have rescheduled this for the coming Tuesday (since this Monday is a public holiday for Hari Raya Haji). Please remind your children to bring their House uniform (House T-shirt and PE shorts) this Tuesday.

We apologise for any inconvenience these changes might cause, and thank you for your understanding and continual support.

In His service,

Ps. Rajaram S.N. Samy (Raj)

P.S.: Due to this Monday (7th) being a public holiday, Tuesday becomes the first day of the school week, so all students must wear their ties to school this Tuesday (8th November).

What sets our curriculum apart? Watch this video: “Presenting A.C.E.