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Current as of School Year: 2025


It is important that parents fulfil their financial commitments to the school faithfully and promptly for the effective support of the programme. For a clear understanding of your financial commitment, please refer to the following tables. Please note that since June 2016, our fees are subject to GST (Goods and Services Tax). We currently have two levels of School Fees: for students below 13 years old, and for those 13 years and above.

B.1.1      Initial Fees (before GST)

 Registration Fee


 Diagnostic Fee (1)


 Starter Kit Fee (2)




 School Fee Instalment (B.1.2)

$1,500.00 to $1,700.00

 TOTAL (3)

$2,600.00 to $2,800.00

(1) The Diagnostic Test is a compulsory requirement of enrolment to determine the student’s proper grade level placing, as well as any learning gaps, for each core curriculum subject. It is not an entrance test, and is usually conducted after registration. Diagnostic Fee must be paid prior to testing. A student already using the ACE® curriculum may be excused from diagnostic testing.
(2) Inclusive of one set of desk flags, document files, and KJV Bible.
Note: School uniform is to be purchased from our uniform supplier: Chop Kong Chong, Sembawang Shopping Centre, #02-13, (S)758459, phone 6753 1489 or WhatsApp 9077 2932.
(3) One-time fees plus first two months’ School Fees, payable at time of registration.

B.1.2      School Fees (before GST)

Class Per Year Per School Week Bi-Monthly Instalment
Below 13 years old $9,000.00 $225.00 $1,500.00
13 years old and above $10,200.00 $255.00 $1,700.00

School Fees are charged on a bi-monthly instalment basis (calculated as follows: School Fee per year, divided into six equal instalments – spreading payments over the full twelve months rather than term by term) and are to be paid in advance every two months.

B.1.3      Resources

The following resources are covered by the School Fees:

  1. Use of curriculum PACEs and classroom learning aids
  2. Use of computer programmes and electronic PACEs
  3. Up to three local field trips per year (excluding admission fees)

NOTE: In accordance with ACE® policy, completed PACEs are not permitted to be given to students or parents, but are kept securely by the school and destroyed after each semester.

What sets our curriculum apart? Watch this video: “Presenting A.C.E.