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VLCS has a total indoor floor area of 666 m2, including reception, resource room, and administration office/conference room/counselling room. We have eight classrooms, although their actual usage may vary with our student population. Because the ACE® curriculum is all about learning rather than teaching, these are known as Learning Centres:

 Learning Centre Floor Area Maximum Capacity
 Classroom 1: Cornerstone  66.62 m2  44
 Classroom 2: Overcomers  66.62 m2  44
 Classroom 3: Overcomers  66.62 m2  44
 Classroom 4: presently spare  66.62 m2  44
 Classroom 5: Dunamis 1  66.62 m2  44
 Classroom 6: Dunamis 2  66.62 m2  44
 Classroom 7: Victory 1  66.62 m2  44
 Classroom 8: Victory 2  66.62 m2  44

NOTE 1: Although the maximum capacity of each classroom is 44 persons, the maximum number of students allocated is only around 25, allowing for a more conducive individualised learning environment.

NOTE 2: Classrooms 2 and 3 are connected, so they are used as one combined Learning Centre.

NOTE 3: HCSA graciously allows us to use the adjacent lobby for chapel on Mondays, table-tennis CCA on Fridays, and student breaks in wet weather, as well as the neighbouring field for P.E. and soccer CCA, and outdoor garden, play, and dining areas.

What sets our curriculum apart? Watch this video: “Presenting A.C.E.