Dear Kingdom Parents,
Greetings to all. We are called to make disciples of this generation to know their identity in Christ: fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God, born again as a new creation, redeemed by the blood of Jesus, healed by His stripes.
For God is building a people of power, and He’s making a people of praise, That will move through this land by His Spirit and will glorify His precious name! We are built, LORD, we are strong, LORD. Joined our hearts, LORD, through Your Son. We are one, LORD, in Your body, in the Kingdom of Your Son!
Activities for the month of November:
- VL Got Talent Finale: Friday, 4 November, 6pm – We look forward to seeing you at the Finale when students perform their best to the glory of God!
- Last day of Term 4: Friday, 18 November – School holidays: Monday, 21 November 2022 – Monday, 2 January 2023.
For further details, please read this month’s newsletter, posted HERE for your convenience.
Bible Memory Passage for November: Colossians 1:16-29
Mrs Jan Boey
Senior Administrator