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From Pastor Raj

Dear Parents of VLCS,

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Just as we got into 2013, we saw January quickly pass by and February has come. Seems like time is passing fast and our students growing up fast too. We can stand witness to more graduates this year, declaring His faithfulness in the lives of these students. There is much to thank God for when we ushered in more new students at the beginning of this year. The school now has on register 92 students. Praise the Lord! I believe you will be praising God, too, at this juncture.

As for me, time has passed quickly to register my four years in VLCS. I must declare boldly that it was God’s grace that saw me through these years, having to juggle various leadership appointments concurrently. But I must declare that my heart was in the school, especially with the students and the staff. Everyday I was filled with His joy through the daily experiences of the students and staff. There were joyful times and also moments of crying as well.

Through my years serving God in this school, He has spoken to me to encourage me, teach me and direct me for the glory of His name and the well being of the school on the whole. I will cherish my walk with Him through this call of my life.

With the return of the founder, Mrs Jan Boey, whom God called to birth the school and to continue the race to build the school, my short journey in leading the school has come to an end, to move on to my next journey to obey God’s instructions to me as the Senior Pastor of Mount Olives Church.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for trusting God and partnering the VLCS team during my tenure. Your role was critical to the progress the school has made over the years. Your love and support for your children and working alongside the respective Supervisors and the school leadership is paramount to bring the school to a greater level. The Lord will lead these coming years under the able leadership of Mrs Boey, who is a testimony for God, and the in-coming Principal, Mrs Valluvan.

I congratulate Mrs Valluvan on her new appointment, in whom I had seen the potential to lead the team and the school alongside the Senior Administrator, Mrs Boey. I bless their partnership to be a fragrant aroma to God and the school.

The VLCS staff have been a blessing to me and worked very hard in seeing through the various school initiatives and implementing them successfully. The Lord will honour them and watch over them and their households.

I am still a parent in the school and will see you in the various school activities with my wonderful supportive wife who has been a source of inspiration to me throughout my tenure in the school.

God bless each household in VLCS, that you will not lack and your trust in the Lord will not be in vain.

“Our help is from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” (Psalms 124:8 NLT)

In His Joy, Pastor Raj

Ps Raj

What sets our curriculum apart? Watch this video: “Presenting A.C.E.