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Term End and Teachers’ Day

Dear Parents,

We are already in the final days of Term 1! A few things to note:

  • This Friday, 31st August, is the last day before the one week school break. This will be a regular school day, finishing at 2:30pm. However, being the end of term, we will have a special activity for the students in the afternoon. Regular Friday dress code applies, i.e. P.E. uniform, with uniform pants/skirt to change into after P.E.
  • Teachers’ Day this year falls during the school break (Friday, 7th September), so we will be having a school day off in lieu on Monday, 10th September.
  • Term 2 will commence on Tuesday, 11th September. Being the first day of the school week, a reminder that students must be in their full uniform including tie. Also, we will be holding our Staff Meeting that afternoon (instead of Monday), so school will be dismissed at 1:00pm (as on a Monday).

We pray that you are able to enjoy some family times of refreshing during this short break between the terms.

Yours in Christ’s service and for our children,

Alistair Quirey
Operations Manager

What sets our curriculum apart? Watch this video: “Presenting A.C.E.