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Truly Family

Dear Mr Karlo:

I know it’s technically bad times since COVID.

But our class was truly like family 🙂 and I forever cherish it.

Never had a loving class like that ever – thanks for the memories ❤️

Since I’m here I just want to say: I’m truly grateful for VL.

Truly a blessing to my life, built me as a person and improved my life.

I still remember God’s wisdom every day, and it’s what keeps me calm through these hard times.

Thankful for everyone in VL,


You Say Or I Say?

I used to be a typical Singaporean mother, eager to return to the corporate workforce after childbirth. However, it was almost impossible when my third child arrived. I could not attain a work-life balance at all. This was the juncture where I heard a vivid call from God, saying, “You say or I say?” I could not shake off this supernatural encounter, and submitted myself immediately. It was with awe and reverence towards my God, that I was called by the Lord to join the staff of VLCS. I dared not deny His calling, and stood to serve.

Practicing Divine Healing, Mind Renewal and being a New Man are becoming the cornerstones in my daily walk with God in school. Victory Life is a healing sanctuary for me.

“And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.” (Isaiah 61:1)

In Christ’s service,
Mrs Joanne, Dunamis 1

The School of Victory

Sharing an inspiring article published on City News in November 2022, written by a parent of one of our students. Quoting founder, director, and senior administrator, Mrs Jan Boey, “We hold fast to God’s promise that students may come defeated but they will always leave victorious and have life and have it more abundantly.” Read on and be inspired by The School of Victory!

What sets our curriculum apart? Watch this video: “Presenting A.C.E.