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Mission Trip 2011

Dear Parents,

Our next Mission Trip is being planned with a slightly different focus – not only serving people in need, and experiencing different cultures, but building relationships with one another in the process.

Ten key appointment holders from our Student Leaders group will join Pastor Raj, two staff and up to six parents for five days in the northern tip of Thailand, staying in a Lahu village in the scenic hills about an hour’s drive from Chiang Rai, and ministering in the nearby “Life Training Centre” established by Terry and Linda Thompson. This may include teaching in LTC, sharing testimonies, teaching English (through conversation and games), and playing football with the village youth. We would also like to provide some second-hand laptops (and other such equipment) to help support their ongoing education.

We also hope to visit Mae Sai on the Burmese border, where Terry and Linda are now helping to start another Bible School, with a primary focus on students from Burma. Other possible options, subject to confirmation, include:

  1. Visiting the Golden Triangle (where the three nations of Thailand, Myanmar and Laos meet at the Mekong River).
  2. Crossing over into Myanmar (Burma).

There is also someone else in Mae Sai whom the Thompsons want to help to get a Christian School started – could we also sow seeds into this while we are there? This destination is more suitable for adults and mature students, hence key appointment holders of the Student Leaders group will be coming, not the whole High School cohort as on previous mission trips. We also have the pleasure of our founder, Mrs Jan Boey, joining us.

Estimated cost: $650 SGD per person (including return flights on Air Asia, but excluding incidental expenses such as the side-trip to Myanmar). Insurance is also not included – we are coordinating this and will keep you informed.

Scheduled dates: Sunday 13th – Thursday 17th November, 2011 (the last week before the school holidays)

The school has committed to subsidise the students’ by $100 each (reducing the cost given above to $550 each). We would also like to fully sponsor the staff members who are accompanying them, although at present we will be stretching to subsidise staff at least 50% of their airfares.

With the above information in mind, we ask you to please be in prayer for this mission trip – the preparations, the planning, and the participants. Also for provision – indeed, you may feel led to give yourself in some way, such as financial assistance or sponsorship, or the donation of a second-hand laptop, LCD projector, video camera, etc.

In His service,

Ps. Rajaram S.N. Samy (Raj)

What sets our curriculum apart? Watch this video: “Presenting A.C.E.