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Letter to Parents (February/March)

Dear Parents,

Greetings to all in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Thank you for your prayers for the mission trip to Myanmar. We give thanks to God for a fruitful and purposeful trip as the students served with love and enthusiasm! Please read the full newsletter (posted HERE) to find out more.

The newsletter also contains further details on the following activities for the months of February and March:

Chinese New Year Celebrations – 18 January, Wed: Students will be dismissed at 12 noon after the CNY celebration organized by the student council. Attire: Modest red top and school skirt/pants.

Term 3 School holidays – 16-20 March: School holidays begin on Saturday, 14 March. Term 4 will commence on Monday, 23 March.

Christian Educators Conference – 16-17 March, Mon-Tue: All supervisors will be attending this conference in Malacca, with the theme “For Such a Time as This”.

SOTA Supervisors Training – 18-21 March, Wed-Sat: This is the first training held in Singapore to be conducted by Mr and Mrs Olson, the directors for SOTA (School of Tomorrow Asia). We encourage parents and graduating high school students to attend. The cost of the training will be S$300. If you are interested in attending, please contact the school by Friday, 13 February, 2015.

Bible Memory Verses for February ~ March
Pre-School to Elementary Class: James 3:1-12 ~ Romans 6:1-12
Middle School to High School: James 3:1-18 ~ Romans 6:1-18


Mrs Malna Valluvan

Myanmar Mission

What sets our curriculum apart? Watch this video: “Presenting A.C.E.