Dear Kingdom Parents,
Greetings to all parents: righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. (Romans 14:17)
All glory to God for our graduates Sophia Chin who is accepted in NUS (Industrial Design) and Peyton Choo who is accepted in NTU (Environmental Earth Systems Science) 2021.
Activities for the month of August:
- P.E. and CCAs: On hold until further notice.
- National Day Celebration: Friday, 6 August
All students to come in red or white tops with school culottes/pants. Students will be dismissed at 1.00pm as usual. - National Day & School Holiday: Monday-Tuesday, 9-10 August
School will resume on Wednesday, 11 August.
For further details, please read this month’s newsletter, posted HERE for your convenience.
Bible Memory Passage for August: Hebrews 13:14-25
Senior Administrator and Principals