Dear VLCS Parents,
Greetings in the wonderful name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for supporting the school in raising funds for the student conventions. The Family Walk held on Saturday, 23rd February, was a success. God blessed us with beautiful weather, we proclaimed Psalm 91 openly in the park, and strangers commended our school. To God be the glory!
Events for the months of March and April:
- Term 4 begins on Monday, 23 March
In following precautionary measures to combat Covid-19, given by MOE, please take note of new processes in place during the first 2 weeks of term. - Parent Orientation: Thursday, 9 April, 2:00–4:00pm
- Public Holiday: Good Friday, 10 April
Important Notice: 2020 International Student Convention (ISC) and Service Adventure (SA) in Thailand have been postponed.
For further details, please read this month’s newsletter, posted HERE for your convenience.
Bible Memory Passage:
March: Hebrews 3:1-19
April: Hebrews 4:1-16
We encourage you to join your child in memorising the monthly Scripture passages!
Senior Administrator and Principals