Dear VLCS Parents,
Greetings and a Blessed New Year to you and family, in Jesus name! We warmly welcome all new students and their families joining Victory Life in 2021. We thank God for watching over us in 2020 and believe the Lord continues to lead us to triumph into a victorious new year of faith, hope and love.
Activities for the month of January:
- Parent Conference (PC): Students will be dismissed at 12pm this week as Parent Conferences are scheduled in the afternoons from 1pm.
- CCAs: CCAs (soccer, badminton, table-tennis, basketball, art and ballet) as well as PE will commence in the 2nd week of January.
- Parent Orientation: Friday, 15 January, 2pm-4pm, for parents of new students.
- Parent/Staff Fellowship (PSF): Saturday, 16 January, 9am-11am.
- Pre-Elementary Class: Will commence in February, 2021.
- School Uniforms: Purchase from Chop Kong Chong, #02-13 Sembawang Shopping Centre, (S)758459, WhatsApp 9077 2932.
For further details, please read this month’s newsletter, posted HERE for your convenience.
Bible Memory Passage for January: Hebrews 10:23-39
Financial Commitment for January/February 2021: School fees for January/February were due on 15 December 2020. We thank you for fulfilling your financial commitment on time.
Senior Administrator and Principals