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Letter to Parents (April)

Dear VLCS Parents,

Greetings in the wonderful name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. His grace and peace fill your homes each day. During the term break, our staff were greatly blessed and further equipped to “Advance the Cause” of Christian Education at the recent Christian Educators’ Convention in Kuala Lumpur. And by God’s grace, within 4 days, we successfully completed the Administrators’ and Supervisors’ Training conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Olson, directors of the School of Tomorrow Asia (SOTA).

Activities for the month of April

  • Parent Orientation: Friday, 6 April, 2pm-4pm
  • Sports Day: Friday, 13 April, 8am to 12pm, Toa Payoh Stadium
  • Preparing for 2018 Regional Student Convention (RSC): 2-7 September at St. Patricks Academy, Tawau, Sabah
  • Planning for Family Day: Saturday, 5 May, 8am to 1pm

For further details, please read this month’s newsletter, posted HERE for your convenience.

Bible Memory Passage for April: Romans 7:1-13


Principals, Mrs. Malna Valluvan and Mrs. Lim Ho Mun

What sets our curriculum apart? Watch this video: “Presenting A.C.E.