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A Graduate’s Testimony

When I was 15 years old, I left public school with a strong desire to be homeschooled. I had been struggling with some difficulties — mostly emotional — that hindered me from attending school like any other student. My parents, however, were unable to homeschool me. Through a series of events (that I believe did not happen by chance), I found Victory Life Christian School (VLCS).

I, for one, can testify that VLCS is a school like no other. In VLCS, character building is always the primary focus. Character traits and moral values are weaved into our curriculum and we learn about them as we study English, Math, Science, etc. These character traits are further emphasized through chapel services and morning devotions. VLCS is also a place where these character traits can be readily applied — we are always encouraged to reach out to the young ones and the students with special needs, whether through tutoring or through school events. It is certainly a breath of fresh air to have teachers (or supervisors and monitors) who care about the people we are becoming, rather than how well-developed our brains are.

VLCS teaches students how to learn independently. We set our daily goals and work at our own pace. We never have to conform to expectations of our academic abilities. We grow to understand ourselves and how we “function” best. No particular study technique is forced upon us. We are also always reminded to be mindful of the little things. Hence today, almost two years after I graduated, I still set daily goals for myself, practice neat cursive handwriting, keep a Bible journal, and push in my chair after I get up — something my friends from public school are always impressed by! These little habits have certainly prepared me for greater pursuits in life, such as going to study Speech Science at the University of Sheffield in the UK!

When I left public school, I thought everything was “over” for me. I never would have thought I could come this far. VLCS gave me a second chance at education, helped me come out of my shell, and sharpened my interest in working with children. Above all, VLCS brought me back to the arms of the ever-faithful God. I still have a long way ahead, but I will carry every big and small thing I learnt at VLCS with me to university and beyond.

Miss Lim Min graduated from VLCS in August, 2014, and is now preparing to study Speech Science at the University of Sheffield in the UK.

Farewell, Miss Min

What sets our curriculum apart? Watch this video: “Presenting A.C.E.