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Principal’s Letter (March)

Dear Victorious Parents,

Greetings in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Praise be to God for His faithfulness and grace for the following:

New Enrolments
January to date – 30 new students.

Family Day organized by student leaders
Favourable weather and good support of the parents. Charissa Lum of High School has this to say: “Family Day was not just about bonding within each family, but also fellowship between families. Endured in the hot sun and vastness of the park, it was a test of patience among the young and the young at heart. Wits, skills and cooperation were constantly challenged, but the teams seemed unfazed at each obstacle that came their way, even when they had gone to the wrong stops. Two words to sum it up: fun and perseverance.”

SEL classes
Social and emotional learning lessons with Dr Ang Kai Ling commenced on 27th February.

NLCC Pastors and staff for their dedication and commitment
Pastor Yohanes and his team have been edifying the school with the Word of God every Thursday. They will be training students who have volunteered to serve in praise and worship, on Tuesday afternoons.

House Challenge competitions
Good team spirit as students honour one another in all house challenge events.

Maxine Foo achieved perfect score
Maxine graduated at the end of February with the American High School Diploma–Honours with a perfect GPA score of 4.0.

The Lord has promised that He will do wonders in our midst which no eyes have seen, no ears have heard and no minds have known, the things He has in store for those who love Him, to those who are called according to His purpose.
(I Corinthians 2:9; Romans 8:28)

Bible Memory Verse for this Month: Psalm 17:1-15


11–13 March (Monday–Wednesday) – Christian Educators’ Convention 2013
Mrs Jan Boey, Mrs Liah Golfo, Mrs Daisy Soliman and I will be attending the conference in Penang, Malaysia. The theme of this convention is “Stay the Course”.

14–15 March (Thursday–Friday) – Staff Training
As we started school on Wednesday, 2nd January, this gave us an extra week of school for this term (or rather, an extra three days). Consequently, we will not have school on the last two days of this term – instead, staff will use these days for in-house training and preparation for Term 4.

Parents-Staff Fellowship Meeting (PSF)
This fellowship will be held on Saturday, 30th March, from 9am to 11am. This meeting will give parents and staff the opportunity to promote school spirit, see clearer the vision and mission of the school, report on the students’ progress and school programmes and activities, and understand how to build the school with prayer and financial support. There will also be a special student presentation. The school expects all parents to attend, so please mark this day in your calendar. Light refreshments will be served.

Ukulele/Guitar Classes
Mr Barnabas Loh from Scripture Union is offering to teach the following classes:
1. Beginners Ukulele Course

This is a 4-session training course that will teach participants how to worship God through ukulele-playing of some simple but powerful worship songs. On top of being equipped with basic ukulele-playing skills, participants will appreciate the beauty of worshipping God through music.
Fee: $120 per participant (excluding the ukulele)
No. of Participants: 8-12

2. Worship God through Guitar – Beginners Level

This is a 6-session training course that will teach participants how to worship God through guitar-playing of some simple yet powerful worship songs.

If your child is 12 years old or above and is interested to join either of these classes, please inform their respective class supervisors.

Communication Envelope
We will be issuing the communication envelope to all students. All letters from the school to parents will be sent through your child via this envelope. Please read the contents and sign the envelope when your child brings it home. This envelope can serve as a good communication tool between the school and the home.

School Holidays
Term 3 holidays commence on 16th March and school resumes (Term 4) on 25th March. Parents are encouraged to spend quality time in bonding activities, outings and family devotions. Please take this opportunity to speak to your child/children about their year-end goals, and work closely with them to inspire them to achieve their goals. Holidays are not for homework but more importantly heart-work!

Serving with joy,

Mrs Malna Valluvan

Communication Envelope

What sets our curriculum apart? Watch this video: “Presenting A.C.E.