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School Field Trip

Dear Parents,

The destination for this term’s field trip is the Maritime Experiential Museum, at Resorts World Sentosa.

Date: Wednesday, 10th October, 2012
Time: Students must be in school as usual by 7:50am (in school uniform)
Cost: $5 per child (being discounted admission fee to the Museum and the Typhoon Theatre – the school will provide transport both ways and lunch)

The school will be selling breakfast before we leave. Students should bring snacks and water bottle, plus money to buy breakfast (optional). Students will be dismissed from school after lunch, about 2pm.

Kindly send the $5 to the school with your child by Tuesday, 9th October.

In His joy,

Mr Alistair Quirey
Operations Manager

P.S.: Please be reminded that Field Trips are compulsory for all students.

P.P.S.: The Typhoon Theatre includes loud noises, bright lights and mist effects. Although these special effects are mild compared to many theme park “4D” rides, please advise the school if your child suffers from motion sickness, dizziness or medical sensitivity to strobe lights or fog effects.

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