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Regional Student Convention 2012

22-25 August 2012, Malaysian Bible Seminary (MBS) Kundang, Selangor, Malaysia

We are pleased to announce the first School of Tomorrow Asia Regional Student Convention to be held in Selangor, Malaysia, August 22-25, 2012. This exciting event is designed to give students opportunities to interact and build relationships, and to build character and develop leadership skills. God’s Word teaches us that Christian youths should not only be different from the world but should also set a standard of excellence! Students will have a chance to compete in many events in a variety of categories such as music, speech, drama, athletics, arts and academics. Preparation and competition help develop skills and attitudes that prepare students for life.

Victory Life Christian School is preparing to send a delegation of 19 students (with 3 staff) to represent us. A letter has been sent home with those students today, with a consent form to be returned along with payment by this Friday, 25 May.

What sets our curriculum apart? Watch this video: “Presenting A.C.E.