Dear Parents,
Friday 7th October is “Children’s Day”, so all our students aged 12 years and below (whether in Pre-School, Elementary Class or Middle School), will be given that Friday off as a school holiday.
Also in celebration of our children, a special programme has been organised for the Thursday before (6th October):
1) Children’s Excursion
Our younger children (as described above) will be brought on an excursion to the Science Centre Singapore and Omni-Theatre. The school will sponsor the transport there and back (from school). We only ask for $10 payment to cover the admission fees to both venues (discounted from the regular $12).
2) Shared Lunch
Our Parents’ Partnership Group (PPG) is generously providing lunch for the entire school, which we will share together after the children return from their excursion. NOTE: Your child will not need to bring lunch to school that day.
3) Combined Celebration
Our Student Council is organising a short celebration to coincide with the shared lunch, to show our younger children how much they mean to our older students. Thus Pre-School and Elementary students may be released a little later than usual (by 2pm).
In His service,
Ps. Rajaram S.N. Samy (Raj)